Coffee, one of the world's three major beverages, along with cocoa and tea, is a popular beverage in the world, with 1.6 billion cups sold every day.

A cup of hand-brewed coffee in the morning to start a new day. Stay up late at night and refresh yourself with a cup of coffee.

Afternoon tea with friends on weekends, also need the company of coffee.

The word coffee is derived from the Arabic word for plant beverage and originates from the highlands of southwestern Ethiopia.

As the origin of coffee, 99.9% of the world's coffee tree species can be found in Ethiopia, thus enjoying the reputation of the coffee gene pool.

How was the coffee discovered?

The most popular story is that coffee was discovered more than 1,000 years ago when a shepherd, Cody, discovered that sheep had become unusually excited after eating a small red fruit.

Another story is that the aroma of barbecued coffee caught the attention of the surrounding residents as a result of a wildfire that accidentally burned down a coffee forest.

From the moment it was discovered, coffee began a life that was destined to be legendary.

The variety of coffee beans is one of the most critical factors in determining the flavor of the coffee.

Worldwide, native coffee beans are divided into three main categories: Arabica, Canephora, and Liberica.

People who know coffee tasting will also pay extra attention to the origin of the coffee beans.

Because the origin is also the basic factor that determines the flavor of the coffee.

Coffee trees can only be grown in the tropics and subtropics, mainly between 25 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees south latitude, with temperatures between 15 degrees and 20 degrees, these regions are called the coffee belt.

Coffee beans from different origins have different flavor profiles for the following reasons, in addition to geographical factors.

Due to the long growing cycle of coffee trees, coffee farmers will plant cash crops alongside the coffee trees to balance the returns, and this type of planting is called hedging.

Cash crops often have local characteristics, but also affect the flavor of the coffee.

This is one of the reasons why African coffee has a floral and fruit flavor, American coffee has a nutty cocoa flavor, etc.

The choice of the crop to be planted in combination with the local ecological environment, historical traditions, economic trade, and other factors are all related. Nowadays, with the development of science and technology.

The regional boundaries of the crop set have become more and more blurred, and all regions can grow coffee with different characteristics.

Many people will have a question when they first encounter hand-brewed coffee: why is the coffee smells so good and inviting when it is either bitter or sour in the mouth?

This sense of disparity has dissuaded many white people who came here in admiration.

There are even most people who think that coffee should be very bitter.

However, some coffee lovers do not see it this way.

For them, coffee is not bitter or astringent, which is equivalent to drinking for nothing.

What is this all about? We know that there are thousands of flavors in coffee.

But it all boils down to three main flavors: bitter, sour, and sweet. Each cup of hand-brewed coffee's bitter, sour and sweet performances are different.

Learn this coffee knowledge first so you know exactly what you are drinking when you drink coffee.