Mulberry is the mature fruit of mulberry.

People like its ripe fresh fruits.

They are sweet and juicy, but different from ordinary fruits.

Mulberries are collected after ripening to remove impurities, dried in the sun or steamed slightly before eating.

Ripe mulberry fruits are oily, sweet and sour.

Large size, thick meat, purple red color and sufficient sugar content are preferred.

Key values.

1. Nutritional value

The main nutrient components of mulberry include water, sugar, crude protein, ash, crude fiber, free acid, soluble nitrogen free substances, etc.

In addition, mulberry also contains essential amino acids, easily absorbed polysaccharides, rich vitamins, red pigments, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other minerals that are lacking in human body.

It can enhance immunity, promote the growth of hematopoietic cells, promote metabolism, and has rich nutritional value and certain pharmacological value.

2. Medicinal value

Mulberry has a good effect of nourishing heart, liver, kidney, blood and wind.

It has significant effects on lowering blood fat, relieving neurasthenia, arteriosclerosis, sexual dysfunction, deafness and blindness, early white hair, internal heat and thirst, blood deficiency constipation, rheumatic arthralgia, etc.

The research team led by John Peyto of the United States found that mulberry contains the anti-tumor substance resveratrol, which has anti-cancer effect.

Pharmacological research shows that mulberry can supplement the insufficiency of gastric juice, promote the digestion of gastric juice, promote the secretion of intestinal juice, enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, and have the effect of strengthening strength.

Mulberry is rich in a lot of polysaccharide substances, which has a good hypoglycemic effect.

It is very suitable for patients with hyperglycemia.

Mulberry can also help the human body to inhibit lipid peroxidation, so as to achieve the effect of anti-aging.

It can also clear free radical reaction chain in human body, help oxidation, improve human memory and promote human spiritual activities.

Cleaning method of mulberry.

Method 1:

1. When cleaning mulberry trees, first clean the surface of mulberry trees continuously with tap water for several minutes.

2. Then soak it in light salt water and rinse it with clean water after a while.

Method 2:

Wash a small amount of flour and mulberry together. Flour will become very sticky after being soaked in water, which will remove pesticide residues on the surface of mulberry pulp.

Precautions during cleaning.

1. Mulberry peel is relatively thin, so avoid scrubbing vigorously when cleaning.

2. Many kitchen cleaners can also be used to clean fruits, but they are not recommended because they are difficult to clean thoroughly.

Fresh mulberry should be eaten as soon as it is bought and stored in the refrigerator for no more than one day.