Fishermen are arguably the oldest of the professions currently practiced by mankind.

From the original harpoon and fish hook to the current fishing nets. With the development of science and technology, the level of human fishing has continued to improve, and various types of fishing boats have been created for the different habits of various aquatic products.

1. Trawler

Trawlers can be divided into single and double trawlers, bottom trawlers, and midwater trawlers. Trawling is an effective and widely applicable fishing method.

2. Purse seine vessels

A purse seiner is a vessel that uses the purse seining method to catch fish. They are mostly wooden boats with flat bottoms and square tails, which are fast and flexible and have good lateral stability. There are two types of purse seine boats: two-boat purse seine and single-boat purse seine.

3. Drift-net fishing boats

The drift-net boat is mainly used to catch offshore pelagic fish. It uses a special type of wire to wrap around the dorsal and pectoral fins and gills of the fish, causing the fish to hang on to the net the more they struggle to pass through the area.

4. Ocean-going Fishing Vessel

Pelagic fisheries are a component of marine fisheries and refer to fishing activities that take place on the high seas, as well as in the exclusive economic zones of other countries, away from national fishing ports or fishing bases.

Fishing operations on the high seas are usually referred to as pelagic fisheries and operations in the exclusive economic zones of other countries as transoceanic fisheries. Pelagic fisheries are fishing fleets consisting of large processing mother ships with a high degree of mechanization and automation and a number of fishing sub-vessels, refuelling vessels and transport vessels.

So how did fishermen go out to sea in the distant past without mechanized fishing boats? The following is an introduction to the fishing boats commonly used by fishermen before.

1. Pair of boats

The pair of boats, which appeared more than 200 years ago. The wooden fishing boats were used by fishermen to catch small yellowtail and scallops with pairs of nets. They use sails and human sculling as propulsion power and have a wind resistance of 7 to 8.

2. Large fishing boats and small fishing boats

In autumn and winter, the big fishing boats carry 4 to 5 small sampans and can usually accommodate a crew of about 25 people and their families. The small fishing boats, on the other hand, usually hold only 4 to 5 people.

3. Medium pair fishing boat

The boat type and structure are the same as the small pair of fishing boats, there is no certain specification, the boat is slightly larger and has a history of more than 100 years. Due to the slightly larger hull, the production safety conditions are relatively better than those of small pairs of boats.

The number of medium-pair fishing boats is relatively small and they have gradually disappeared since then.

With the development of technology and human ingenuity, the modernization of fishing boats is becoming more and more impressive. Fishing boats with different functions can be built to suit different needs. If you have never experienced one, start with the most common fishing boats.