In the fast-paced life of modern cities, many people tend to prioritize fast food over a proper meal due to lack of time. However, this kind of diet cannot sustain our body's nutritional needs in the long run. Therefore, it is crucial to find a balance and treat ourselves to a delicious meal once in a while.

In this article, we will discuss how to make cream egg rolls, a delectable treat to enjoy after a hard day's work.

To make cream egg rolls, the primary ingredients required are high-gluten flour, light cream, milk powder, milk, egg liquid, yeast, sugar, butter, and salt. The first step is to make the soup by stirring 20g of gluten flour and 100g of cold water in a bowl.

Next, put the mixture in the microwave oven and heat it for about 50 seconds, stirring it every 15 seconds until it turns into a paste with visible lines. Then, cool it in the refrigerator.

After that, beat all the ingredients (except butter) in a toaster until a smooth dough is formed. Next, wrap the dough in butter and beat it in the toaster again. Put it in a basin, cover it with plastic film, and let it ferment.

Once it has fermented, remove the dough, knead it well, divide it into nine small pieces, cover them with plastic wrap, and let them rest for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, take a small piece of dough, roll it around, and fold it up and down. Squeeze the tail of one end, turn it over, and roll it into a radish shape. Then, roll it up from the wide side to the narrow side and stick it tightly.

Repeat this step with the rest of the dough. Cover the finished billets with cling film and let them ferment again.

Once they have fermented, brush a layer of egg liquid on top and put them in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Take them out of the oven, and your cream egg rolls are ready to serve.

Delicious food can bring happiness and relaxation to people. It can be a simple pleasure that we can enjoy in life. Eating a delicious meal after a hard day's work can make us feel content and happy. When we travel and experience different snacks and cuisines, it can give us a sense of happiness and satisfaction.

Sometimes, cooking a meal with love and care for someone special can bring us a sense of joy and happiness. It is not about the complexity of the meal but the thought and effort put into it that counts.

Making cream egg rolls is a simple yet delicious treat that can bring happiness to our busy lives. It does not require much effort or time to prepare, and the result is a satisfying and tasty snack. So, why not treat yourself to a batch of cream egg rolls and enjoy the simple pleasures of life?