Jam cookie with jam in the middle, use one finger to press the concave middle to have a perfect shape.

The crunchy texture, the toughness of the red mulberry jam in the middle, and the sweet and sour taste make them a great afternoon snack in the summer.

The jam cookie is not too sweet, and there is a perfect ratio between the cookie and the jam, and the texture is soft and fluffy, making it a good partner for coffee.

Jam cookies said to have originated in the 19th century, are one of the holiday cookies. The basic version is made of flour, sugar, and butter. Either jam cookie or berry cookie also describes a traditional cookie with red mulberry jam in the middle.

But jam cookies are called more figuratively, living out the process of pressing your thumb into the center of the cookie dough and filling it with jam.

Easy to make, simple, and delicious is usually the idea of jam cookies. As a result, there are many recipes for jam cookies around the world, both continuing the tradition and extending the variations to cater to a wide variety of dietary needs.

So what does it take to make a delicious jam cookie?

You just need to prepare butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. Of course, your favorite jam is also an essential ingredient.

1. Soften the butter at room temperature, then add the sugar and stir to loosen it, add the egg mixture and stir until it is completely absorbed by the butter.

2. Sift the low-gluten flour into the butter and mix briefly to form a dough, wrap with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature for 10 minutes.

3. Dust the worktop with flour, then form the dough into a 0.5 cm thick sheet, cover with plastic wrap and freeze in the freezer for 20 minutes. Bake on a non-stick cloth or non-stick paper.

4. Remove the frozen dough sheet and press out the shape with a press mold, using a razor blade to move the pressed shape to the baking sheet.

5. Place the baking sheet in the middle and upper layers of the oven and bake for about 15 minutes or until the top is golden brown.

6. Spread the jam between two equally shaped cookies and stack them together to use the jam to bind.

Tips for making.

1. Since this cookie has a high butter content and is fully whipped, the little balls will slowly turn into a round cake shape when baking.

2. To make these cookies, be sure to fully whip the butter until it is white in color, fine, and light.

3. Add the eggs in batches, beating them well each time before adding the next batch to avoid separating the eggs and oil.

4. Just mix the batter is very sticky, you can refrigerate it for a moment to facilitate shaping.

5. Dip the chopsticks into the egg mixture or water first, then gently poke small balls. After each small hole, dry with a kitchen towel and dip in water or egg.

Place your order now for the ingredients to make a delicious jam cookie!