Bubble water, also known as carbonated water, is a mixture of a certain amount of carbon dioxide gas and drinking water under pressure.

Bubble water is a type of fizzy water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas. It's often enjoyed as a refreshing, sparkling beverage.

This process will form carbonic acid, which is a weak acid, so whenever we drink a breath of water, our tongue will feel numb and crisp! The main reason is that carbonic acid activates the nerves in the mouth, giving us comfortable pleasure.

Sparkling water originated in America, it is a new drink, the first to enter the European and American markets. This drink is not only sugar-free and calorie-free but also can bring health to people's health, which has been recognized by many people.

Because it contains a certain amount of carbonic acid, which can form carbon dioxide in the human body, consume calories, eliminate fatigue, healthy and delicious, this kind of bubble water has been paid attention to by people.

There are mainly two kinds of bubble water: natural gas bubble water and artificial bubble water. Natural gas bubble water is a kind of natural mineral water containing carbon dioxide, and artificial bubble water is mineral water added with carbon dioxide.

Although there are bubbles in many sodas nowadays, this kind of soda is not bubble water. Although both of them appear to drink containing carbon dioxide, the principle of making them is very different, so many people can't tell the difference between the two drinks.

Now let's take a look at where these seemingly identical but completely different kinds of water come from.

When the crustal plates move, the impact of the plates will produce faults. Among them, the carbon dioxide of the magma in the "asthenosphere" enters the surface through the cracks in the fault, and when the carbon dioxide passes through the "aquifer" into the mineral water, it forms natural bubble water.

Natural aerated mineral water is very scarce. Its bubbles are very delicate at room temperature and pressure. These carbonic acids can be kept in water for a long time and taste refreshing and delicious.

And artificial bubble water, is generally the use of natural mineral water, edible-grade carbon dioxide into the water, in fact, mineral water plus carbon dioxide. Artificial bubble water is rougher than natural bubble water, and the injected carbon dioxide dissipates quickly at room temperature and pressure.

Although sparkling water and soda sounds like soda and soda, they are not the same thing at all. Soda contains a lot of carbon dioxide, as well as many other sweeteners, preservatives, pigments, flavours and other additives.

If the human body consumes a certain amount of bubble water, it may cause hiccups, flatulence, etc. People with weak intestines and stomach or esophagitis must remember to drink it properly.