The vast prairie has a legendary charm, its broad mind accommodates the fragrance of flowers and lush grass in nature. There are flocks of sheep roaming leisurely, and sometimes there is a spectacular sight of galloping horses.

The grasslands are vast and endless. The vast grassland stretches out to the distant horizon, and walking in it makes people feel that the world is far away and empty, as if it will never end. Here are some famous grasslands for you.

The first is the Hulun Buir Prairie, named after the Hulun Lake and Bell Lake in the territory. It is a world-famous natural pasture, one of the four major grasslands in the world, It is known as "the best in the world". prairie". Hulunbuir grassland has beautiful scenery, endless green, rolling Daxinganling, and beautiful and rich lakes. In midsummer, the Hulunbuir prairie rises with wisps of cooking smoke, and the breeze blows the pastures swaying, like a huge green picture.

Next is the Eurasian steppe. The Eurasian steppe is the largest steppe in the world. It starts from the lower reaches of the Danube River in Europe and extends eastward in a continuous band. It stretches for nearly 110 degrees of longitude from east to west, forming the widest Eurasian steppe area on earth.

Finally, there is the African savannah. The African savannah is distributed on the north and south sides of the African tropical rain forest, the equatorial area of ​​the eastern plateau and the west of Madagascar, surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped tropical rain forest; the distribution area accounts for 1/3 of the entire continent and is the largest tropical grassland area in the world. . The climate of the African savannah is mainly divided into thousand seasons and wet seasons. The plants on the grasslands have xerophyte characteristics, and most of them are grasses. In addition, there are more hoofed mammals, such as various antelopes, giraffes, zebras, etc., as well as lions, leopards and other animals.