Peanut butter is a food paste or spread made from ground, dry-roasted peanuts. It commonly contains additional ingredients that modify the taste or texture, such as salt, sweeteners, or emulsifiers. Peanut butter is consumed in many countries. The United States is a leading exporter of peanut butter and one of the largest consumers of peanut butter annually per capita.

Peanut butter is a nutrient-rich food containing high levels of protein, several vitamins, and dietary minerals. It is typically served as a spread on bread, toast, or crackers, and used to make sandwiches (notably the peanut butter and jelly sandwich). It is also used in a number of breakfast dishes and desserts, such as granola, smoothies, crepes, cookies, brownies, or croissants. It is similar to other nut butters such as cashew butter and almond butter.

Peanut butter is not only known as a delicious bread spread. Surprisingly, peanut butter itself is also beneficial for the health of your body. The content of protein and healthy fats in it helps to lose weight, diabetes, and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Peanut butter contained in various types of essential nutrients required by the body. Every two tablespoons of peanut butter contain: 3 mg of vitamin E that act as antioxidants, 49 mg of magnesium, which is useful for building bones, 208 mg of potassium, which is beneficial to the muscle, and 0.17 mg of vitamin B6, which is useful to boost immunity. Here are some benefits of these contents:

Sources of Protein

There is a unique fact about the nutritional value of peanut butter and its function as a bread spread. The content of amino acids (the simplest form of protein) between peanut butter and whole grain breads are complementary if consumed simultaneously. Peanut butter has law the amino acid

Conversely, whole grain breads contain high levels of the amino acid of methionine, but low amino acids. With a complete protein, then the function of proteins in the body will run optimally where it is playing a role in the growth, repair damaged tissue, keep your immune system remains

healthy fats

One possible reason that considered for the peanut butter is the healthy food fat content. Indeed, peanut butter contains high fat, but its kind is unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fats actually have a good role for the health of the body including lowering cholesterol levels and preventing the risk of coronary heart disease. In servings 2 tablespoons, there are 16 g fat 3/4 of its parts come from unsaturated fat. So, the reason as a cause unhealthy fat in peanut butter is not relevant.

Source of Vitamins and minerals

Peanut butter contains vitamin E, a powerful anti-oxidants to protect the nerve membrane. As an antioxidant of course is responsible for keeping the immune system, as well as the risk of diseases associated with free radicals, one of them is cancer. Vitamin E works closely with women, because these vitamins can maintain the beauty of women to maintain healthy skin and hair, as well as prevent premature aging. For men, vitamin E is beneficial to maintain fertility by protecting sperm cell membranes from oxidative damage.

Sources of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 together with zinc, folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin C have the role that necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin in red blood cells whose function is to carry oxygen to the body tissues. This vitamin also plays a role in protein metabolism as well as in the use of glycogen in the muscles as an energy source when the fitness. For people who are undergoing regular physical exercise certainly not to a deficiency of vitamin B6. Because usually exercise may decrease the rate of absorption of nutrients (including vitamins) so that the number of nutrients is wasted becomes higher.

Sources of Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 (niacin) serves to lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy for the body, as well as maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Contains potassium

Potassium content in peanut butter can reduce the effects of sodium are also contained therein.