In the hot summer, we often eat ice cream. Of course, eating some ice cream properly can have a very good heat-clearing effect. But we all need to know that if we eat ice cream in large quantities, it will seriously endanger our health. Let's take a look.

1. Eating too much ice cream can easily lead to obesity. Because most of these foods contain butter, vegetable oil, and various sugar food decorations, long-term consumption will lead to excessive consumption of sugar and fat, coupled with lack of proper exercise, the body cannot completely metabolize, making people become obese.

2. Many people have no restraint on eating ice cream, and often eat it at night or at noon, resulting in decreased appetite. Ice foods contain a lot of sugar, which makes it easy to feel full after eating, which leads to eating too little at meals, and develops bad eating habits, which can easily lead to diseases in the long run.

3. Ice cream is a good food to cool off in summer, but excessive use will cause the stomach to be cold and cool, and it is easy to damage the gastric mucosa and cause stomach cold and stomach pain. In severe cases, it can also lead to digestive disorders, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The temperature of ice cream is generally around 0°C, while the normal body temperature of human beings is 37°C. Such a disparate temperature difference is a great stimulus to the human stomach and intestines, which will constrict the gastrointestinal blood vessels and reduce the secretion of digestive juices. If you eat too much ice cream in one day and the cold stimulation is frequent, it will cause gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Ice cream is a relatively cold food. If you eat too much at one time, it will cause uneven heat and cold in the body, and the cold state of the stomach can easily lead to abdominal pain symptoms and even diarrhea. Many people feel dizzy and headache after eating ice cream, because cold food stimulates people's nerves, and it is easy to cause headaches due to poor blood circulation. When exposed to cold food, these nerve groups are overstimulated and send false signals to the brain, indicating that the temperature has dropped too much, which in turn causes the rapid contraction of blood vessels in the brain, resulting in headaches.

5. Foods like ice cream contain more additives, which is why many people like to eat. After adding food additives, the taste is good, and the harm to the body is even greater. Therefore, you must be very careful when choosing ice cream, and pay attention to the nutritional content table marked on the outer packaging.

After reading this, do you still dare to eat ice cream without restraint?